Project 365: Days 190-196

Not a lot to say about the last week of my Project 365. So, here are the photos… Day 190: Honey Badger Day 191: Dusk Day 192: Screened Lights Day 193: “Old-timey” Seattle Day 194: Leaf Behind Bars Day 195: Signs Day 196: Good Measure Follow @mikerussellfoto

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Project 365: Days 181-189

I haven’t been able to go for quite the extended walk like I did on Day 180, but I did get past a big milestone — the halfway point! I’ve made it past the 6 month mark. It’s all downhill from here! (Or that’s what I’m telling myself, anyway.) Follow …

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Day 180: A Walk to the Sound

As I mentioned in my last post, I recently made a Twitter pact with a friend vowing not to give up on our individual Project 365s. (Sidenote…what’s more binding, a Twitter pact or a pinky swear?) The day after making that commitment I decided to take a walk down to …

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Project 365: Days 167-179

Two weeks have passed since my last Project 365 post. It’s been getting tougher lately to find the motivation to keep at it. There were definitely some moments of almost giving up. But this past Saturday I made a pact with a good friend who is also doing his own …

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Project 365: Days 157-166

The last ten days seemed to pass in an instant. A weekend in Portland and lots of work have made these increasingly longer days of Spring speed quickly by. I was close to posting this sooner, but simply didn’t make the time. I sense, though, that I might be getting …

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Project 365: Days 147-156

This installment of my Project 365 covers the last ten days of shooting. I’m writing it while riding the train down to Portland, though I may not post it until later. Connectivity is not the greatest on the train! But I figured there’s no better time than present to get …

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Project 365: Days 131-146

Ok, I continue to fail on posting these with any regularity. But I am still shooting at least once a day for my Project 365. It is somewhat interesting to see what the last couple of weeks have garnered all together in one single post. Well ok, perhaps not, but …

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Project 365: Days 117-130

This post is long overdue. But it seems to have become a habit to do my Project 365 posts on a weekly (or every other week) basis. It’s been a busy couple of weeks — shot two Sounders matches, had some more Seattle snow, and we finally saw the first …

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