December 27 was the day I traveled back to Seattle after being in Hawaii for 14 days. I returned to a wet, cold, and grey Seattle. I was definitely not very motivated by the relative “blech” of the Northwest. So, I gave myself a couple of days off of my Project 365.
I started back up on December 29 with a crappy little iPhone shot of my cat lounging between my legs. I think she had finally forgiven me for being gone for two weeks.
(Click on the photos below to view them larger)
The next day had one of those beautiful moments just before sunset when downtown Seattle was bathed in beautiful light.
I was still struggling with creativity on New Year’s Eve, so I just shot some bubbles.
Over the next few days, I slowly began to find my creative rhythm again. I started shooting more abstracts and playing with light. Since there are no sea turtles or surfers in my backyard anymore, I had to do something else.
I decided to change things up a bit on January 5th and did more of a still life.
On January 6th, I saw on Orca Network’s Facebook page that there had been several orca whales spotted in Puget Sound that morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t see it early enough to head out while they were just off the shores of West Seattle. But I decided to hop in the car and tried to follow them.
I caught a glimpse of them from the north end of Golden Gardens. Then I stopped in at Carkeek Park, but saw on Facebook that I had just missed them. So I decided to try and beat them to my next spot, and headed straight for the Edmonds ferry terminal.
I was starting to think I had missed them again, but then someone just south of me reported seeing them. And sure enough, a few minutes later the research vessel that was trailing them came into view and I saw several blows and quite a few splashes on the Kingston side of the water.
Unfortunately they were too far away to get a decent picture, but I snapped this shot anyway. You can just barely make out the research vessel to the left of the ferry.
On January 7, I spent several hours helping my wife set up for the 25th annual Ray’s Retrospective Wine Competition. We were organizing all the wines in the banquet facility. There is a great big salmon sculpture above the fireplace which is lit up nicely.
On January 8th, I decided to capture an oldie but a goodie…lines.
And last but not least, on January 9th I really liked the way the streetlight was hitting the rain on this window. I wonder if this means I’m fully “recovered” from the two weeks in Hawaii.