While in the midst of planning our next trip to Arizona, I realized that I had not posted any pictures from our last journey to the land of red rocks.
In November, 2010, we stayed in the very cool little town of Prescott, AZ for a little over a week. We had the opportunity to take a few excursions to some nearby parks. Among them was Red Rock State Park near Sedona and of course, the Grand Canyon. This was my first visit to the historic landmark, and as anyone who has been there can attest, pictures don’t really do it justice. But I still could not resist making an attempt at capturing the vastness and beauty of the place.
Below are just a few of the many photos that I made that week. Our upcoming trip to Prescott will probably not have as many day-trips, but with the Perseid meteor shower happening while we’re there, it’s a safe bet there will likely be a few more night shots.
Nice shots! I think the one with the cactus and the orange rocks in the back ground is my favorite, followed by the windmill photo. AZ is such a fun place to shoot!