Project 365: Days 228-234

Wow, two Project 365 posts in less than a week! Crazy!

This one covers days 228-234, the first week of July. I have a few photos from day 235 that I like, so that one might be getting its own entry. We shall see.

The weather was continuing to improve, so I was feeling more inspired to actually leave the house for my photo of the day. Or if not leave, then at least point my lens outside, often to the sky.

Day 228: Shallow Depths

Decided to go a little abstract and just play with a very shallow depth of field using the old Super-Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens. Though I believe this was shot at either f/2 or f/2.8. Opening it up to f/1.4 gives it a much softer focus than this.

Day 229: Gold and Green

Day 230: Clouds 1

I’ve been drawn to clouds quite a bit over the last few weeks, as you will see over the next few posts.

Day 231: Budding

Day 232: Clouds 2

Day 233: Goal Kick

This was during the Sounders Women’s last home match of the season. I often hate the lighting out at Starfire, but sometimes it can be fantastic. I really love the light from the setting sun in this shot.

Day 234: Flaco Scores

Alvaro “Flaco” Fernandez rises up to head in his first goal of the season. I just like the chaos all around him, but he is so focused on putting his head to the ball.

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