365: Day 20 – Line Hunter

Today was quite a day. It started with a good dose of procrastination followed by a flurry of attaching hardware and wires to the backs of my newly framed prints. Then figuring out how to pack it all into our 22 year old Saab for the journey from West Seattle to Capitol Hill. And finally hanging all 14 prints at Vino Verité before they closed. We topped it all off with a nice relaxed dinner with friends, great food, some French bubbly, and a magnum of Chianti.

All in all a great day. And truth be told, I’m really excited for my show. I think they look great in the space, and am looking forward to Thursday (12/8). If you haven’t already, check out the Facebook event and let me know if you can make it! It would be great to see (or meet) you!

Today’s photo was taken just a few minutes ago. We had just gotten home from our friends’ house and I still needed to make my photo of the day. I noticed the streetlight creating this nice set of lines on the wall. And as my wife was heading upstairs to bed, she saw what I was doing and simply stated “Ah, my line hunter. Don’t stay up too late.”

(Click on the photo below to view it larger)

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